
When was the last time you saw an empty lot? Untouched. I can't remember. How about one of those grassy gaps between fenced off properties? You know the ones kids tumble through during the day, kicking up leaves, jumping in puddles, stamping on flowers and bees. Sneaking because they know its the appropriate place to... Continue Reading →

My Dictionary

I have a desk and although an image is impressed on the back of my eyelids, of what it was supposed to look like, I settle. Don't confuse this for a lack of love or enthusiasm. I spend every waking hour with my head turned down to a pen in my hand, a page in... Continue Reading →


Your percipient roots grew right through my black tar pavement, leaving gaping chasms of thought on display. Listening is key you said. We slipped inside our untouched wounds, braving the core. Your branches unfurled too straight; snapping, we fell. Are we fractured? Precariously gripping at the cavernous walls of your volcanic heart, don’t let go.... Continue Reading →

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